Our Services

JHuang Energy Consultants, LLC provides professional consulting services to clients in commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental and multi-family residential sectors in the U.S. and International markets (NAICS Code: 541690).

Our roles are typically the owner’s representative, management consultant, the lender’s engineer, independent monitor, business consultant and other relevant capacities as may be required by the business activities.

The professional services usually include, but are not limited to, the following specialized areas in renewable energy and power generation business: 

Technology assessment, site selection, fatal-flaw analysis, feasibility studies, preliminary design, cost and schedule estimates, contract review, in-depth design review, risk assessment and mitigation, environmental and regulatory permitting assistance, coordination with other business and project parties.

Pro forma (cash flow model) evaluation, technical input & assumptions, alternative scenarios formulation & modeling, lender’s criteria compliance, risk assessment & mitigation, documentation preparation, milestone payment administration, interfacing with lenders and other lending advisors.

Technology assessment, document review, contract review, site visit, drawing & specification review, risk assessment & mitigation, cost & benefit analysis, cost & schedule estimate, construction, startup & commissioning, monitoring and reporting.

Contract Review –
Commercial contract and complex contracts of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), power purchase agreement (PPA), fuel supply agreement (FSA), operation and maintenance agreement (O&M), environmental impact assessment (EIA), steam and electricity sales and other off-take agreements, and liquidated damage analysis.

Litigation Support –
Energy and contractual disputes resolution, Negotiation, facilitation and neutral evaluation of alternative dispute resolution, litigation support and subject matter expert testimony on technical issues.

Fossil Energy Conversion Technologies –
Coal and lignite-fired, coal gasification, biomass, waste-to-energy, combined heat and power (CHP, cogeneration), gas turbine peaking and combined cycle, compressed air energy storage (CAES).

Renewable Energy Technologies –
Solar, hydro power, wave energy, biomass, biosolids-to-energy, coal gasification, landfill gas, hybrid green energy.

Independent Consultant or Owner’s Engineer -
Feasibility studies, preliminary design, detailed design, engineering document review (e.g. specification, drawing, purchase order, professional engineer’s sealing, permitt assistance, cost estimates, project schedule, construction management, startup and commissioning support).

Equipment requisition -
Inquiry and request for proposal (RFP), technical bid evaluation, pricing & terms negotiation, vendor selection, vendor submittals review, cost and change controls, performance testing witnessing, and non-conformance and warranty resolutions.

Professional services to customers in commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental and multi-family residential sectors on energy and resources conservation, and efficiency programs (renewables, electricity, fuel, steam, water, waste water) to meet business, corporate and government goals or requirements.

Professional services include conservation programs preparation, energy efficiency evaluation, supply-side cost reduction, technical guidance, process and O&M improvement, new technology and conservation products advising, equipment requisition, financing support, renewable energy and on-site generation studies, energy efficiency investment analysis, coordination with architects, supplier, contractors, and government agencies, government funding application and proposal assistance.

  • Project Management
  • Owner’s engineer for all project phases from inception to final hand-over. Services include cost and schedule control, quality engineering, equipment requisition, installation, construction management, recovery plan, nonconformance and warranty resolutions, startup and commissioning. Liaison and interface with contractors, government agencies, communities and any other entities as needed.

    Web Application Development
    Developing efficient and productive Web Applications is one of our core competence. We have helped many companies develop / convert legacy platform dependent applications into web based applications. Our programmers understand Oil & Gas industry. We excel in providing very customized application to suit all your unique requirements.

    Cloud Computing
    We are familiar with deploying large applications needing to support thousands of users. We have experience building and supporting scalable applications. Our technologies are cloud oriented, meaning they have endless scalability and redundancy.

    Big Data
    Our developers have 15+ years experience using relational database (SQL), however during the last 5 years, we have embraced the next-generation database (NO-SQL), which enables large-scale data warehousing and much stronger data analysis. We have experience working with data up to 2 billion records. Are developers are proficient in MongoDB and Elasticsearch.

    Enterprise Server Support
    Server stability and uptime is very important for any business. We have always taken pride in providing very solid 99.99% uptime. Our server administrators are very conservative and have 15+ years experience. We monitor and support more than 40+ enterprise, mission critical servers for a wide range of operations.

    Represent client to interface with various government agencies.

    Represent client to interface with various contractors and subcontractors.